
Use HTML Entities for Accent Characters in Your Websites

Rudtek Html Accent Entities

Creating HTML entities and language accent marks is something Rudtek needs often in creating new sites. For Language marks, the umlaut, circumflex, accent grave, and accent acute are extremely important.

Designing a website is sometimes done with HTML, but often our clients type out their content ahead of time on their PCs, so we’ve put together this list on how to get each of these accent marks on both the PC and how to do it with HTML entities.

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How to move or copy files with SSH

Rudtek Knows Ssh

When developing a theme in WordPress, it’s often easier to move files or directories on the webserver than downloading and re-uploading all the files together.  You may need to move one or more files/folders or copy them to a different location. You can do so using an SSH connection.

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